Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Along Don't Worry!

Well I had hoped to post a HAPPY Along post Monday but work is busy and I wasn't able.

First, what am I knitting for someone else to make them happy? Mom's scarf (I call it the angelhair scarf) is the only thing I've been able to do a few rows on but I love how soft the yarn is!

Second, what am I knitting to make myself happy? Well the hat on dpns even though I haven't been able to work on it in a week makes me very happy!

Other things I am happy about this month:

Getting to meet some of my online knitting sistah's!
Nice weather that allows to open the windows!
My swing in my front yard.
While I haven't been able to knit I've read a couple of books, which I really enjoyed!
Getting closer to our new business.
Knowing I will no longer be tied to a computer for work 8 hours plus a day in the near future.
Joining a scarf exchange on myspace knit knack group
A new dish cloth kal on my LSSK group!
Making stitch markers

And now I'm off to finish watching the Mav's game and try casting on for my dishcloth!

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