Monday, November 26, 2007

A review in pictures

Because ya'll know how I luvs the pictures!

October brought this home more than ever as a long awaited baby girl survives life threatening lung problems and we lose my aunt.

Gertrude and below is Wally. Cute couple huh? She is the boss though...and tends to kick if he gets to close when I'm feeding them carrots. They aren't mine..but live next to me and tend to follow me around. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the carrots!

Just a neat picture of a lamp

The court house in Hillsboro Texas.

Abigail the lazy...has such a hard life.

Kodi loves his kong...and yes he stays like this until he gets all the treats out!

begging for attention

My most awesome knitting bag that I got for my Birthday in October!

one of many pairs of halloween socks I bought this year.

She Lives!

Why yes I AM still alive thank you :)

Considering I've had two lovely comments on old posts in the last week I thought I really need to get my rear in gear and post to this lil old blog that has been so sorely neglected.

I mean I have 3 whole subscribers I wouldn't want to lose them! I have wanted to blog in the last oh 2 months or so and have even had things to blog about. Unfortunately it just kept getting pushed to the bottom of my to-do list's. Yes you read that correctly. LISTS, as in I have a few. At the very least I have one going for each business and a personal one.

I hope everyone had a wonderful lovely Thanksgiving and got to spend the day doing just what you wanted where you wanted. I had originally planned to hibernate at home alone and take advantage of my parents and sister being out of town. However I did end up going to the family reunion (yes on Thanksgiving) and got to hold baby Peyton for which I am VERY thankful for. Our biggest blessing and miracle this year is that baby girl. I'm so so sooooooo thankful she is home and doing better. She looks so much like her Daddy that it amazes me. I told him I have visions of her running around in about two years demanding Cheetos and apple juice which is what he did when he was two.

I am going to really try to be a better blogger. I can't promise great content but I will do my best to post more often. I have been knitting on my second no rules bag and my garter stitch shawl. Hopefully I will finish one of them by the end of the year.

I also am over on ravelry as Sugarbritches, feel free to add me if I haven't already added you!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

KnitOut in Austin! October 13th 2007

Hey everyone!

The Lone Star State Knitters are hosting the 2007 Knit out and Crochet too on October 13th, 2007 in Austin Texas. Here is the site for more info 2007 Knit Out

It will be held at the Borders at SouthPark Meadows and should be lots of fun! There will be free lessons for anyone who wants to learn or just come and hang out with a great bunch of ladies and bring your projects!

At this moment in time I'm not positive I will be able to make it, but I am going to try my hardest. With a trip, a move, and a couple of loved ones in bad health things are a little uncertain at the moment. If there is any way I can be there, I will!

If you aren't a member of LSSK and thinking of going email me! They are some wonderful and fun ladies and have skills of all levels. AND, hello we are talking AUSTIN! What better excuse to make a road trip!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's a Boy!

A bouncing 82lb 4 year old! Meet Kodi...

Well...we aren't sure how hold he is exactly but are told around four or five years. He doesn't really act that old though, he can be pretty playful!

I adopted/rescued him on September 20th. My sister and I drove to meet the owner and Kodi with the intention of not bringing him home with us that day. With all the craziness that is our life right now and the possible pending funeral we just thought it would be better to wait. However, once we met this sweet boy we could tell he needed some immediate care and attention. He was well loved, but I think his owner just did not know how to take care of him. As you can see, he is entirely too skinny

Yes, he is the same breed as Bonnie my sister's dog. He is a Komondor and like Bonnie I will keep his hair short and not corded. He has a few physical issues and special needs that we are working on, but just in the short time we've had him I think he has improved. He is already fitting right in with the family, and much to my sisters dismay prefers to sleep on her couch. He will stay at my sister's through the first week in October while we are out of town, then I'll get to bring him home!

He really thinks he is a lap dog because he wants to be in your lap or practically laying on you all the time. He loves affection and can be a bit demanding if you are ignoring him! The poor guy has been shuffled around a lot in his life but he has the sweetest temperament and behaves very well considering! Hopefully he'll be very happy in his new home with me and Lady and the cats.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Yea for hand knit presents!

My package arrived this Saturday from the Knit Knack One Skein Wonder exchange! I didn't get to pick it up until Sunday morning and I admit I did tear into it in the car!

Regan my awesome exchange buddy made me these pretty wrist warmers! I love them so! I really have been wanting a pair because the ones I have were my first attempt with some cheap acrylic and got used a lot last year and they didn't hold up very well.

She also sent me a What Happens in Canada Stays In Canada t-shirt with some yummy snacks!

Thanks so much Regan! You Rock! This was a much needed pick me up this weekend!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Calm before the storm

To sum up why I haven't been posting much lately this is the best way I can describe things. I'm juggling many balls right now and they are all up in the air. At the moment they are all suspended up there and I'm just waiting for them to start dropping.

We are awaiting the birth of the newest member of the family. We are also awaiting the passing of my aunt. There is nothing else they can do for her and it's just a matter of days. It's horrible beyond words.

We (my sister and I) also have the starting of a new business. This involves much waiting and "red tape" so to speak. Relocating our current business in a VERY short period of time. Being out of the state for a week for training very soon. These things are exciting though (maybe a wee bit stressful) and I can't wait for a couple of months until we are farther along!

Oddly enough though, I'm calm. For the moment. I'm not sure why really. I guess because it won't help to be otherwise. Don't get me wrong each day can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster but over all I've been pretty calm about it all. Possibly because I know it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

I'm terribly behind on everything. Emails, posting, the blogs I read and not to mention knitting. I'm trying as hard as I can to catch up!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Longing for Fall

I am SO ready for fall. I am beyond tired of heat and humidity. Not to mention keeping my toes all painted and pretty for sandals and flip flops. I'm ready to be able to open my windows and break out my boots and pants and scarves! I am definitely a fall kinda girl. Which...I realize that compared to most places, Texas doesn't have much of a fall season, but I'll take what I can get. I really started noticing it about a month ago...I just start to get this...FEELING for lack of a better word and it happens every year. I start feeling the urge to craft and make things (even more so than usual) and work jig saw puzzles (a winter tradition my Mother instilled when I was young...but something I haven't done since I took up knitting). I start switching all of my scented plug-in thingy's to apple cinnamon. I want to drink coffee and tea and I start buying new creamers and flavors and it's still too damn hot to drink them!

To be fair I enjoy winter (especially the temperatures) and spring (everything growing and green and it smells sooooo nice and fresh!), but fall. I LONG for fall. In collage I always had the hardest time going to classes in the fall. I just wanted to be outside enjoying it or inside and being lazy but not in a class room. I used to decorate for fall too. The office mainly and when I sold Southern Living At Home I really went all out for fall.

SIGH. One of these years I really want to see the east coast in the fall. I will be spending a couple of weeks in the Virginia/DC area in either October or November. So hopefully I'll get to enjoy some real fall weather!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Actual FO's!!!

I have actual finished objects to show ya'll! Can you believe it?

Behold, the Seafoam Shawl from One Skein Wonders (finished but not blocked yet)

Thanks to my friend Deb for the picture assistance of holding it up for me.
Here is a close up that shows the color a little better. This shawl is for an exchange and will be getting mailed next week to its new home. Oh, and yes this is the shawl that was in my knitting bag that I made the EMT's put in the ambulance with me lol.

I've also cranked out a few of these little cell phone cozies also from One Skein Wonders

I have no idea why...I just decided I wanted to try one and it was done so fast so I started a second...and you get the picture.

I've started my first attempt at a purse/bag whatever you want to call it. Once there is a little more to it, I'll post pictures and the pattern etc...

Thanks for all the well wishes! I'm doing fine, still having a few headaches and some dizzy spells. The Doctor said that could last for up to six weeks so it's not anything I'm worried about. I do still have a knot on my head though lol.

I'll leave you with a picture of one of my house guests (Bonnie Bell). She looks a little unhappy here...I think it's because it was about a 200 degrees outside. Dixie doesn't sit still long enough for me to take a picture of her. I think they will probably be staying with me for at least another two weeks. Their Mama really misses them! more AWWW

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

No Knitting on account of Mild Concussion

What is black and blue and green and red and sore all over? That would be me. I was in a car accident this past weekend and am quite colorful at the moment. I'm ok, I do have a mild concussion so I'm still fuzzy headed and often have a killer headache. My left arm is lovely shades of black and green bruises and a HUGE welt of red. In the ER they insisted on giving me a tetanus shot, which I have had a bad reaction to. I've had flu like symptoms and fever and my arm has been red, swollen and painful. This added to the soreness from being hit by a big ass Lincoln, not so much fun. Seriously the lady's car was a boat! I don't know many details because I never saw her. Just BAM and the car was spinning and I was holding my head trying to contain the explosion going on inside it. That whole seeing stars thing?'s more like a huge sunburst! Then afterwards the kind people who stopped to help wouldn't let me get out of my car so I didn't see any of the damage. Probably a good thing because I was knocked senseless for a bit. Then when I came to I promptly burst into tears because I was in MY MOTHERS CAR. Her car that she just paid off 3 months ago. Yeah.

What I can't get over is how NICE everyone was. The witnesses who stopped and helped me. The fireman, EMT's, and even the police officer. Because of the huge goose egg emerging on my head they insisted I put on a neck brace in case of a neck injury and strapped me to one of those flat boards. That was not pleasant and didn't help my nerves but the EMT's were so kind and tried so very hard to get me to calm down.

Only the knitters will appreciate this: They wouldn't let me gather up my stuff except hold my purse. However I wouldn't let the ambulance leave until they got my knitting bag out of the car! Now, they didn't KNOW it was a knitting bag but still. A shawl was in there that I've been working on and is almost done, I was not letting it out of my sight! :)

So I've been resting and haven't really wanted to knit. You KNOW I'm hurt if I don't want to knit. Plus being a little fuzzy and dizzy doesn't make for good knitting.

Everyone drive safe out there and for those in the emergency field: Fire fighters, EMT's, etc...YOU ROCK!! and thanks!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Just thought I would check in since I haven't posted in quite some time. Where have I been? I've been around and doing tons of knitting. Sadly I've frogged most of it but I have been knitting.

At the beginning of the month an old friend asked me to dog sit for her while she went out of town for a few days. She has never left her pup for more than 2 days and didn't want to board her. I love dogs, right? So sure! Annie is a cutie but let me tell you, this dog WORE ME OUT! Talk about energy.

After being gone for several days it was really nice to be back home. I think I was missed.

This is the cat who for at least FIVE years has had nothing to do with me. When I got home she followed me around meowing at me and when I sat down to catch up on email the stinker jumped up and plopped down on my keyboard. She even, in a very very rare moment of affection, stuck her head up under my chin and gave me a little nuzzle! I think someone has given me an Abby impostor!

Also, before you start to think I'm a bad mama and over feed this fat kitty...I do not. I feed her according to my vet, a weight loss food and carefully measured amounts. She is not loosing weight but we will be looking into switching food again soon. SIGH.

Well, it has been a crazy week in the mortgage biz...and I it doesn't look like it will be getting any better. I'm about to leave for the week though and drive my Mom up to Dallas. My aunt is in the hospital and isn't doing very well. They may be sending her home this weekend but really, I don't think she is going to be with us much longer. Her heart is very weak and they just had to shock it to get it back into rhythm again. I'm not looking forward to what is to come, but thankfully we've been able to keep her with us a couple of more years than anyone expected.

So have a good weekend! Hug your loved ones to ok?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I offer you a distraction?

In order to distract from the utterly boring blogging I've been doing lately...I offer you

Yarny Goodness!

One of those fun pinkish/orage skeins will be for my as yet undecided project for the One Skein Exchange over on Knit Knack. I have no guesses as to who is knitting for me this time. My buddy and I have a lot in common so I can't wait to start knitting for her!

And...ahhhh....say it with me. Malabrigo. Isn't it just beautiful? It's so pretty all twisted up that way I don't know if I can bare to knit it. Hehe...I'm sure I'll manage though.

It's almost the weekend!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Loose Ends...

I have been loose ends lately. Restless. At least, that is the best way to describe it that I can think of. When I'm home I flip through books but can't settle down to read (Deathly Hallows was the exception). I channel surf and find nothing interesting. I've stood looking at my movie collection hoping something will jump out and interest me so I can at least listen to it while I knit. I sit down to knit and...well I think you probably get the picture.

Sadly...I'm the same way at work.

Do you ever feel like this? I can't pinpoint any particular reason why I should be feeling this way. Usually when this happens it's winter and dreary and I kinda blame it on that.

Hmmm....anyone got a cure for an unexpected case of apathy?

Monday, July 23, 2007

No words...

(No spoilers here)

I started Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at 8:30 Saturday night and finished at about 6:30am Sunday Morning. I haven't stayed up all night in years! Around 3:30 I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out and I had to break out the eye drops. I'm sure it was just from marathon reading and not crying like a loon.

It is a WONDERFUL book, and it answers many of the questions and mysteries we've been wondering about. It's funny and sad, and thrilling and just....lovely. No words I can type will do it justice.

You know, I don't do sad as a general rule. Sad books or movies. It will be a while before I can re-read the book again, it was a bit of an emotional roller least for me.

There are two things that just amaze me. First the wide spread interest in the series of books. I was out of town on Saturday and every where I went (yarn stores, grocery stores) I heard people talking about the book. Secondly, how difficult it must have been to have written that book. The Deathly Hallows is PACKED with action, characters and giving us the answers we've been waiting for.

J.K. Rowling did it brilliantly!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Order of the Phoenix

Saw the movie last night! myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

If you haven't read the book there may be spoilers below. I don't normally review movies and am by no means a movie critic. There are probably good reviews out there...below are just my thoughts on the movie.

First of all let me just say that if you have not read the books but have watched the movies I think you will enjoy it. For the movie fans it is probably a good movie to go see. It's fast moving with good action and even more visually appealing than the previous movies in my opinion.

For the Harry Potter nerd or obsessive fan. This movie does one thing, it gives us our HP fix. I've heard a lot of people say the 5th book was their least favorite. I am probably in that category. It was dark and seemed to just beat a dead horse so to speak. So I was both anxious to see the movie and not so anxious to see it.

The minute the movie started and the theme started though I was so glad I was there. I can't say it was bad because...its HP and it is based on the book. Just like there isn't a bad chocolate :)

Like you may have read on other moves incredibly fast. That, I think is my biggest problem with it. It seems as if they tried to keep the movie short and they tried to touch on almost everything...and as a result they touch on everything so briefly you don't get a good feel for the emotions and don't get the dark feel that the book had. Yes they changed some stuff. To me it seemed they changed more things in this one than the previous movies. However, to be honest I haven't seen the other movies in a while. They left out quite a bit too. There was no mention of quiditch at all or Ron making the team. No mention of Ron and Hermione being prefects. Dobby wasn't in it and wasn't the one that showed them the Room of Requirement. Some things left out were pretty plot important. For example Snapes memory of being teased at school when he was young. The prophecy is revealed to Harry and in front of others and not by Dumbledore as in the book. Dumbledore didn't explain things to Harry as he did in the book.

Despite all of that I did enjoy the movie and would even go see it again. The lady that played Umbridge was excellent. You really just want to punch her face in lol. Her office just cracked me up though, it was crazy and awesome. Actually all of the performances were wonderful. The fight scene in the end was spectacular! They did an amazing job of capturing Hogwarts and the grounds and the costumes. Visually the movie was just spectacular.

I realize the book is huge and is packed with important things. I know it can't all be included in the movie and everyone has their ideas of what should be in it or not. The best part of the night was at the end of the movie when Fudge sees Voldemort and says "He's Back". Half of the audience said "DUH!" out loud and that cracked me up.

All in all there is no way I can recommend anyone NOT see the movie.

Oh and for you knitters...they have some pretty cool knit wear! I've read a couple of blogs already buzzing about them, particularly Hermione's hoodie.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nope, no knitting here

Not since my hissy fit Sunday night with the MS3. Honestly I haven't really had time anyway. I HAVE been thinking about knitting. I've been thinking about fast and fun winter scarves. Considering it was 90 degrees by 8:00am this morning I have NO idea why I would be thinking about scarves. Except the general consensus this week is that I've either lost my mind or I'm very close to it. I think the need to knit mindless things comes from the chaos that is going on right now. Ya'll know. Knit Therapy. At least that is what I like to call it.

Here, cute kitty picture.

Yes she is sitting in my lap and leaning back to look at me upside down. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the unlady like language coming out of my mouth. Ahem.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Peachy Keen Jelly Bean!

A rather heavy burden for a tiny tree no?

However they weren't nearly ripe enough to pick, so I left them a while longer. Then in passing my living room window I notice a cute little squirrel. Scooter scampers up into my peach tree and RIPS OFF a small limb peach and all and runs to a bigger tree to eat his prize.

Hmmm. A few hours later I see him running across the yard again with a large peach in his mouth. Now a peach here and a pear there is ok. I don't mind sharing at all. Seems to me this little stinker is getting a little too greedy though. So out I go and picked two large bowls of peaches.

Way more peaches than I expected this year since there are only two peach trees left. The rest died last year and were pulled up.

So I've been giving them away as fast as I can and last night I peeled as many as I could and bagged them up to freeze them. It doesn't look like my pears are going to make it this year. They look very sad indeed since there are NO LEAVES on the tree what so ever. Too much rain this year (which I am NOT complaining about).

The really cool part are the butterflies! There are butterflies EVERY where around the tree. Many in the tree nibbling on the peaches that have already been nibbled on by other bugs and such. They just dance and flutter all around me when I'm out there picking peaches. Very cool!

peach cobbler anyone?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Ah the sounds of summer

Outside frogs and crickets, inside the air conditioner and hairballs. Yes, it is gross but for cat owners a reality.

Meanwhile...back at the house of cat hair, we are hiding inside staying cool. My Mother, ever the optimist (that was heavy sarcasm there for those that don't know my Mother) walked down the hall of the office on Friday and proclaimed "Good News! The rain is gone but now we are screwed because it's going to be hotter 'n hell!" Which oddly is about only the third time in my life my Mother has used the word "screwed". It is just as well that is hot today. It will dry things out a bit which is greatly needed. Also it appears no one is feeling in tip top shape so we might as well stay inside. Well, ok Abby is feeling fine and letting us all know it. The rest of us...not so much. Lil Bit has had some hair ball issues so she is feeling extra cuddly today and that is fine with me. Lady isn't feeling well from her second round of heart worm treatment so we've all already had a nap today.

Yesterday I had to go to one of those pet food places where it's ok to bring your pets in. I swear there were no less than 15 people in there with new puppies. PUPPIES! I swear the puppy fever came back with a vengeance. I just keep telling myself...can't afford it, can't afford it. I still have a $600 vet bill for Lady, so there is no way I can afford a puppy. Sigh. So no puppy but I can dream about soft wiggly furballs full of energy with cold noses that like to snuggle up and sleep with you.

Meanwhile I'm seriously thinking of going back to bed to curl up with said furballs. Especially since it appears we are about to have a storm. Guess Mom was wrong about the rain lol.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday afternoon!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ramblings of a Mad Knitter

Random musings while late night knitting on the MS3

1. Lace knitting with a chart and tv don't mix

2. Life lines are the coolest invention since salad in a bag!

3. Mp3 players/ipods are def in top 10 too

4. I can surprisingly concentrate on a chart while listening to music & singing along.

5. The cats have grown used to my singing. The dog...not so much.

6. I'm loving the lace knitting so far

7. When you get tired and can't focus your eyes... That would be when it's time to stop trying to read a chart.

8. What does it say when you are in the mood to listen to both sappy love songs from your teen years and salsa music. Particularly when these are not types of music normally on your play list?

9. Note to self pick up non waxy dental floss for lifelines. Thread works but is a pain in the butt.

10. I wonder if I sold both cats if I'd have enough to buy the knit picks options set? Nah probably not.

11. Why has Maroon 5 not come out with a new cd? (Which today I found out they HAVE duh)

12. I am not going to think about the fact that every customer we have has suddenly decided they want to close next week. Knit knit just keep knitting.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Lazy weekend with cats and lace

This is mostly what my weekend consisted of.

Sitting on the love seat with at least one cat in my lap or on my legs. With both cats I had to prop my chart up on the back of the couch, with one I sat a cushion in my lap (slightly on top of the cat) with my chart. I only frogged the MS3 3 maybe 4 times before getting my head in the game and concentrating.

If I did happen to get up for any reason then this occured.

No, I don't think you understand the have a closer look.

That right there is a brat. While she is overcoming some of her issues with being touched or looked at...she seems to be developing new issues. Such as laying next to my head in the mornings meowing loudly. There are others....but we won't discuss those just yet.

Hope Everyone had a relaxing weekend!

Lil Bit says this lace nonsense needs to stop. Mama gets mad when I head butt her while she's trying to count and that whole chart thing takes up my space in her lap!

Can you not feel the disapproval?

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Helping Furry Friends and Knitters

Do you read the Yarnagogo blog? If not I highly recommend it! If you do, then you know about the amazing story of Digit and his return after four months. Dude I bawled when she thought he was dead. I bawled when he came back. I bawled reading all the comments of people donating $ to Rachael to help with Digit's vet bills in honor of their favorite kitty cats.

The story is enough to make you want to help. However, facing my own rather large vet bill at the moment I can really relate to how Rachael and Lala feel. I have so been there. Panicking because you know you don't have the money to do what needs done to save your babies. You do it anyway, because you'll do anything for them. This bill for them is going to be in the thousands...few people are prepared for that.

So if you can spare a buck or two please do so. Even though it isn't needed, Rachael is having a drawing for some lovely sweaters she has knit.

Ericka at RedShirtKnitting
is also having a drawing to help Digit! Check it out and get a chance to win your own Jane Hat!

Now I'm gonna go hug my kitty (the one that will let me) and knit on my MS3.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend full of love and kisses from those that you love and love you...furry or not :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Clearly I did not think this thru...

So...joiner that I am, I too have joined the Mystery Stole 3

I ordered some Malabrigo Merino Lace weight in the Black Forest color way. It's more green than the black it looks in the online pictures but that's ok. It's lovely yummy yummy yarn. Isn't getting yarn in the mail just the coolest thing ever? I also ordered some knit picks circs since I didn't have any small circulars to knit the stole on.

What? You want to see? Oh fine

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Trust me it looks oh so much yummier in person!

Now the not thinking this little project all the way through part. So I now have 1200 yards of this love lace yarn. Know what I DON"T have? A yarn winder. No problem you say? Wind it by hand? Ok first of all 12oo yards? *sigh* I suppose I could. However. Yes, HOWEVER. This oh so lovely yarn tangles and knots if you so much as breath on it heavily. Ask me how I know? So this will be a challenge. I'm guessing this means it may not frog easily either. Yikes.

The good news is that I did do a small swatch on it for the MS3. It does look pretty spiffy if I do say so myself. (sorry no pic).

So...I'm off to do some serious (but careful) winding. Wish me luck!

Still Knitting and Evil Pink Baby Yarn

See I promised a knitting post today and here I am! As long as the storm doesn't knock me offline we're all set!

So...I have been knitting. But FIRST!

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My most wonderful scarf exchange buddy from the Knit Knack Scarf exchange, Karen sent me that! It is sooooo soft and cuddly! I can't wait for cold weather so I can wear it! She also sent me some yummy wool from her trip to Ireland! How cool is that?? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My current drag around project is a simple garter stitch shawl made out of some crochet cotton thread. It (the color) caught my eye at my local craft store in the clearance bin. I picked it up thinking dishcloths or something. However one night I looked over at it sitting on my desk and thought. Shawl. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

and then we have this...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Looks all sweet and innocent sitting there doesn't it? It's Lion Brand Baby Soft for the baby blanket I started. I'm on about row 9 (yes that is ROW nine. Not the 9th repeat). It has not started off well. It was my fault to be honest. I should have wound the yarn up into a center pull ball to start with. I didn't, however, and after much swearing and hair pulling and something that looked even WORSE than this

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I thought it needed a little time out. So that ball of cute soft pink yarn is still sitting there on the cedar chest that serves as my coffee table and that pile of yarn barf is as well. We are both thinking about our actions before we decide if we shall continue or not. Pretty pink yarn is also a little on the splitty side...but it seemed to be getting a little better...we'll see.

Up next! The craze that is MS3!

Monday, June 25, 2007

You know you read too many blogs when

you start saying this a little too often in conversations with non-knitters/blog readers.

"Well on this knitting blog I read...."

"Ooh I read about that, so and so mentioned in their blog...."

yeah. think I need a life? lol

I do have knitting content...I just forgot to bring the camera with me to work so I could upload the pictures!

So stay tuned tomorrow for shawly goodness and the pretty pink yarn from hell!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Harlequin by Laurell K Hamilton

Warning: Extreme Geekery ahead.

Ok, let me tell you a not so secret thing about me. I am completely hooked on Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series. Completely. Have been since I read Guilty Pleasures…oh three years ago I think. No wait…that can’t be right….yeah I think so. I was reading Guilty Pleasures on the plane back from Colorado for our orientation when we switched companies. I finished the book and my sister who was sitting next to me asked me about it. “Very different” was my reply. I sat there on the plane thinking about Jean Claude (but who doesn’t?) and knew I would go get the second book.

I honestly could not tell you how many times I’ve read all the books. There is at least a year between the new releases so at least once or twice during the year I’ll pick one (or four) up and re-read it just to get my fix. The Killing Dance I think is my favorite.

Every time I’ve read one of the new books…when I start the last chapter and know the end is near there is always a moment of regret for devouring the book because they never last long enough.

So June 5th the new book The Harlequin (the 15th book in the series) hit the stores. I, of course went to the store that morning and picked up my copy. DESPITE the fact I knew it would be days before I could read it. I was in the throes of trying to get my house presentable for a family BBQ. As I climbed into bed that night I took it with me. I thought…I’ll just skim the first few pages and see who is on stage first. Nathaniel, Richard…ok maybe just the first chapter. When I turned the page to CHAPTER TWELVE I made myself put it down and go to bed. I finished Monday night at 1:30am. Then I couldn’t sleep for thinking about the book!

So here are some of my random thoughts about The Harlequin and the characters and Laurell K Hamilton.


Spoilers ahead. If you have not read the Harlequin or all the books for that matter then you should maybe sign off the computer and Go. Read. Or something, but don’t continue listening to me blather. Go read the books…then come back mmkay?

First some background…the last several years there have been a lot of fans complaining about the direction the series. Many have claimed to stop reading the series because of how graphic (and by graphic I do mean the sex not the violence, apparently they don’t have a problem with the violence.). I really don’t understand getting on message boards and websites whining about how you hate how the series is going. If I’m not happy with a book (or series)…I stop reading it. Pretty simple. Last year when Danse Macabre came out I would say I did enjoy it more (story line wise) than Cerulean Sins. It just really seemed as if Anita’s character was starting to accept things and make her life work. Yes some of the sex scenes did seem to last a leetle bit long in this one but I liked the direction the story was headed.

Enter The Harlequin! A few people have expressed disappointment in Richard. I’m not. Like Anita and Jean Claude, I’m done and over it. Actually I was over Richard several books ago…he is the epitome of the saying “his own worst enemy”. It’s not that I don’t like his character…but his issues were wearing thin. Dolph is starting to take his place in the overly annoying department. However, I’m thinking there is story potential left for Dolph though. I also felt that Requiem was taking over Asher’s pouting roll since Asher wasn’t around much. I like the idea of Requiem…I hope his character gets fleshed out and isn’t quiet as depressing as he seems J

I (like everyone) enjoyed having Edward back in this book and even Peter and Olaf were an interesting addition. I missed not having as much Jean Claude time as well as Asher and Jason. (if you could just bottle the sexiness that is Jean Claude…Mmmm I’m telling ya!) There are a lot of new characters and it can be hard to keep up with them until their distinct personalities form so that you remember them. I like Rafael, I like that he respects Anita and her will to get things done no matter what it takes…but that was a new twist (don’t want to give TOO much away). Sampson also intrigues me…I hope he comes back in future books. I don’t know how the mermaids fit in with St. Luis but I like the idea of them. The idea of Anita, Micha and Nathaniel going to a bbq at Zerbrowski’s cracks me up.

On the message boards I’ve read a few complaints about mistakes or inconsistencies. Yeah, I picked up on them and there were a few others I saw. That being said, I understand why. There are so many characters on stage (at one time sometimes) that it is hard to keep up…and we are just reading. Can you imagine trying to write it? Especially if it isn’t in one setting? Holy Crap that would be hard. LKH juggles more characters in her books better than any that I’ve read (well I would say JK Rowling does it as well). Everyone knows what it’s like to write something and proof read it yourself. You miss the mistakes because you aren’t really reading it so much as hearing it in your head. Can you imagine a series of FIFTEEN books (in this series, not including the Merry series) with a zillion characters? Especially with the detailed descriptions LKH gives her characters! As someone who has done a good bit of writing (not for publishing purposes though) I can appreciate what it must take to keep up with the amount of characters. Particularly since so many of them are major ones that appear every book. Also, we the fans get so "into" the Anita world that these mistakes don't slip past us. This is a good thing though :)

It’s a funny thing reading an authors blog and peeking into their life and getting glimpses of their thoughts as they write a book. While LKH was writing the end of Danse Macbre I admit I was a bit worried. She seemed so frustrated with the book and ready for it to be over with. I thought the book would suffer for that. After reading it I didn’t think it did. However, the ending seemed a bit cut short and the whole plot at the end just seemed to end abruptly. That said, I loved the book and enjoyed it as I have them all.

A few more things I hope to see in future books. Another book revolving around Anita’s necromancy and a break from vampire and wolf politics. I would LOVE a novel-lite with just Anita and Jean Claude. I’d like to see Micah have more of a story line or purpose than just professionally “being there” for Anita. And of more Nathaniel and Jason because they are just so darn cute and fun! I think perhaps Nathaniel should take up knitting lol and I think Peter has great potential too as a little Edward in training.
Ok…that’s it! My rambling random thoughts about the book! I have to say I like this one even better than the last three books. If you have read the series but haven’t picked it up, I highly recommend that you do!

the book geek

p.s. I promise next time there will be knitting content!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A fresh look

Ok...for those of you who are familiar with my Myspace know I like to change my scenery around often :) So I've been trying to think of a new name for the blog and this may not stay like this...I'm playing around with it. Let me know what you think? Which name do you like better?

Friday, June 01, 2007

I'd like to get off this ride now

I haven't been posting much but a lot has been going on. The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind! There was the mama skunk that got under my house and had babies. I kept telling my Dad this but I don't think he believed me. So he goes over and fills in any holes that she had dug to get under there. Resulting in separating her from her babies. Let me tell you I had one pissed off Mama skunk thumping around my house! Anyway, we reopened the holes and put out moth balls (yes the smell is just lovely) and she has since moved them to another home. THANKFULLY! Then there was the virus/spyware from HELL that I got at work and took me FOUR DAYS to get rid of. I thought I was going to pull my hair out over that one! It took downloading 5 different programs to finally catch the bugger causing all the problems and get rid of it. It has also rained another 12 inches in the last week. I'm living in a swamp!

We did head down to Galveston, to Tiki Island, for Memorial Day weekend and it was nice to get away for a couple of days. We didn't get to go out on the boat this time, but just being near the water relaxes me. I don't know what it is about just seems to sort of pull at me and instantly cause my blood pressure to drop. Kinda like knitting :) On Saturday while a big storm was moving in I went for a nice long walk around the island. It is just so different from central Texas. The tropical flowers and the palm trees and all the neat bay houses with personality. There was a bit of drinking and fun that included a cut throat game of domino's and a late night golf cart ride to get chocolate martini's.

I'm taking mom to visit her sister tonight and we'll stay until Sunday morning. I have so much work to do at home....but this is more important. Last night Lady bug was having some stomach problems, my phone line was dead again and I discovered a leak in my roof. I stood there looking up at the spot for a few minutes thinking (very calmly) "You have got to be kidding me". At this point I was too tired to even get upset about it.

So after work I'm headed to Dallas where I will knit (and finish my so called scarf for my secret buddy) and make a trip to the half priced book store. I will NOT be going to the yarn store...with all the issues there won't be room in the budget for it.

Everyone have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A different Book Meme

I think this meme went around blogland long before I started blogging. I love to see what people have read and recommend though so I'm doing it now. Feel free to share your list with me!!

I've talked about my book obsession before. Interestingly enough, I didn't REALLY learn to read until about the third grade. I went to a TINY tiny school where Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade were all in one room. There were not enough of the first learn to read books to go around. I didn't get one and we couldn't take them from the class room. Half way through my second grade year my parents pulled me out of that school and transferred me to a nearby Catholic School. No we were not Catholic and yes I was the only kid in my class who was not. It was ok though. They immediately put me in remedial reading. I was embarassed at first but within a few weeks that teacher taught me more than I'd ever learned. Soon I tackled my first book which I believe was one of the Frog and Toad books. Once I finished that book...I was unstoppable. By the next year I was reading several grade levels ahead. The year after that my reading and vocabulary was on a high school level. I devoured books and my Mother (also an avid reader) happily supplied them. I was definately a fan of Mysteries. Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators, Trixie Beldon, Encyclopedia Brown, Harriet the name it! I am also one of THOSE readers. You know that reads a book, loves it and then goes out and buys EVERY BOOK THAT AUTHOR EVER WROTE. Which would be why I have so many blasted books in my house :) goes. Bold means you've read it, Italics means you own it and it's sitting on a shelf somewhere waiting to be read, and highlighted or in Red is one you want to read. There are obviously a lot more that I want to read, but I just highlighted a few I'd like to read soon.

To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Hamlet William Shakespeare
1984 George Orwell
The Fellowship of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien
Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
The Return of the King J.R.R. Tolkien
Catch-22 Joseph Heller
The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
The Bible
The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Prayer for Owen Meany John Irving
Brave New World Aldous Huxley
The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood
One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck
Dune Frank Herbert
Love in the Time of Cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut
Stranger in a Strange Land Robert Heinlein
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis
Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
The Stand Stephen King
Ulysses James Joyce
Paradise Lost John Milton
Watership Down Richard Adams
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner
Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell
Roots Alex Haley
The Giver Lois Lowry
The Two Towers J.R.R. Tolkien
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Cat's Cradle Kurt Vonnegut
Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton
Animal Farm George Orwell
Macbeth William Shakespeare

Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck
A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L'Engle
The World According to Garp John Irving
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll
Black Hawk Down Mark Bowden
King Lear William Shakespeare
A Theory of Justice John Rawls
Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
Moby Dick Herman Melville
Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Italo Calvino
The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury
Inherit the Wind Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee
The Good Earth Pearl S. Buck
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey
The Inferno Dante Alighieri
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare
Invisible Man Ralph Ellison
The Red Tent Anita Diamant
Death in Venice and Other Stories Thomas Mann
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone J.K. Rowling
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
The Trial Franz Kafka
Ada Vladimir Nabokov
Middlemarch George Elliot
Where the Sidewalk Ends Shel Silverstein
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
Jurassic Park Michael Crichton
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter S. Thompson
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil John Berndt
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess
The Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Robert C. O'Brien
The Princess Bride William Goldman
Neuromancer William Gibson
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert Heinlein
Prufrock and Other Observations T.S. Eliot
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
Winnie the Pooh A.A. Milne
A Light in the Attic Shel Silverstein
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson
All Creatures Great and Small James Herriot

The Lord of the Flies William Golding
The Hours Michael Cunningham
Traveling Mercies Anne Lamott
A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole
The Iliad Homer
The Right Stuff Tom Wolfe
Anne of Green Gables L.M. Montgomery
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
Calvin and Hobbes Bill Watterson

The Silver Chair C.S. Lewis
A Little Princess Frances Hodgson Burnett
Beach Music Pat Conroy
And Then There Were None Agatha Christie
Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift
The Last Battle C.S. Lewis
Babar the King Jean De Brunhoff
Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman
The Anatomy of Melancholy Robert Burton
At Dawn We Slept Gordon W. Prange
Naked Lunch William S. Burroughs
Everything is Illuminated Jonathan Safran Foer
Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller
The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath
The Godfather Mario Puzo
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr. Seuss
Charlotte's Web E.B. White
The Tao of Pooh Benjamin Hoff

Beowulf ?
The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Henry V William Shakespeare
Rebecca Daphne Du Maurier
Frankenstein Mary Shelley
Empire Falls Richard Russo
Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl
The Phantom Tollbooth Norton Juster
Cheaper by the Dozen Frank & Ernestine Gilbreth
Story of My Life Helen Keller
Captain Horatio Hornblower Cecil Scott Forester
The Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum
Le Morte D'Arthur Thomas Mallory
Life of Pi Yann Martel
Hope Was Here Joan Bauer
Less Than Zero Bret Easton Ellis
The Shining Stephen King
Our Town Thornton Wilder
J. R. R. Tolkien The Hobbit
The Tell-Tale Heart Edgar Allan Poe

The Odyssey Homer
Illusions Richard Bach
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J.K. Rowling
The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe

The Bridge to Terabithia Katherine Paterson
One for the Money Janet Evanovich
The Thorn Birds Colleen McCullough
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Betty MacDonald
The Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux
The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank
Beezus and Ramona Beverly Cleary
The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne
Harriet the Spy Louise Fitzhugh
Delta of Venus Anais Nin
The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde --which I bought this weekend!
The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud
Tropic of Capricorn Henry Miller
Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller
Watt Samuel Beckett
The Power and the Glory Graham Greene
Eragon Christopher Paolini
The Chamber John Grisham
The Brethren Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong
Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There Lewis Carroll
Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson
The Hot Zone Michael Crichton
Walden Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Books on the Brain

The last couple of years reading has taken a back seat to my knitting. However, lately I've been itching to read. If I could only read and knit at the same time! I know some people can...but I can't. I have done a few books on tape...but I do prefer to read the book. A few weeks ago Something sparked about the classics. I can't remember now what triggered it but it started me really thinking about books and books I've read. I ran across a couple of book meme's so I thought I'd give 'em a go. is the first one and later I'll post the second which is a list of books you've read, have on a shelf, or want to read. I'm not tagging anybody but if you decide to do the meme's please leave me a comment so I can check it out. I love to know what everyone else is reading!

Book meme (even though it is a BOOK meme I answered more about authors)
A book that made you cry: Several have made me cry…the one that made me absolutely bawl (through most of the book) was The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I’ve never read another one of his books. Yes I'm a wimp when it comes to sad stories!

A book that scared you: Hmmm…I can’t really think of one. I don’t really read many scary books.

A book that made you laugh: Again there are many. Anything by Mary Janice Davidson makes me laugh out loud. Seriously. Go. Buy. READ.

A book that disgusted you: I can’t really think of one.

A book you loved in elementary school: I would say James and the Giant Peach and anything by Beverly Cleary

A book you loved in middle school.
Anything Nancy Drew…it was an obsession. There was one particular one that was a favorite that I checked out a zillion times and I can’t remember the name of it.

A book you loved in high school: It was a 3 series set by Christopher Pike. Final Friends. Oh I read them over and over. Most of his books, some R.L. Stine, Julian F. Thompson, Long Live the Queen by Ellen Emerson White was awesome!

A book you hated in high school: There were a couple…I really did not enjoy The Grapes of Wrath (I KNOW).

A book you loved in college: I don’t really associate any particular titles with this time. I think this was my romance period. Lots and lots of romance. Anything by Sandra Brown, Megan McKinney, Tami Hoag, Barbara Woods etc…were my favorites.

A book that challenged your identity: I don’t know that any have. I will say, that one that really touched me and made me think was A Time to Kill by John Grisham. They made the movie years later and it was very well done but I still remember not being able to put that book down and how it made my heart hurt.

A series that you love: Oh you KNOW there will be more than one lol. Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake series is my top favorite obsession. Mary Janice Davidson’s Betsy series, Bitch out of Water series, and Kim Harrisons series.

Your favorite horror book: I don’t really read horror…although some stores put Laurel K Hamiltons books in the horror section. I don’t really consider them that.

Your favorite science fiction book: Again it seems sometimes these are in fantasy and sometimes in science fiction. I like Tanya Huff’s Keeper series.

Your favorite fantasy book: Harry Potter series and The Hobbit

Your favorite mystery book: Tami Hoags Lucky’s Lady and Cry Wolf which are really romance but have great mysteries to them. I also enjoy Jeffery Deaver. He can write a twisting turning mystery!

Your favorite historical novel: tough one…I don't read a ton of what I consider historical novels any more. I would say Barbara Woods is my favorite historical AUTHOR. Recently I really enjoyed The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, I'm not sure if it is classified as historical or not.

Your favorite biography: Don’t really read them.

Your favorite “coming-of-age” book: It's been a long time but I would have to say The Grounding of Group 6 by Julian F Thompson and/or Long Live the Queen and Life without Friends by Ellen Emerson White. Those were wonderful young adult books that I still remember.

Your favorite classic: Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and To Kill a Mockingbird

Your favorite romance book: See Tami Hoags mystery’s above. And Kathryn Harvey (Barbara Woods) two book series Star and Butterfly. If you have not read these and you like a wild, enthralling, steamy read….RUN to your store or computer and get them NOW.

Your favorite book not on this list: Hmmm… I would highly recommend Phantom by Susan Kay. It is her own twist on phantom of the opera and it is amazing! I also really loved Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

This was fun :) Yes I'm a geek so what!

What are YOU reading and what are your all time favorite books??

Monday, May 21, 2007

My 80's Theme Song

Ok when I saw this I had to take it. Honestly you can keep refreshing it and it will give you a different song no matter what you enter. I thought this was a fun one and kept it. Normally I would have gone with Girls Just Want To Have Fun since I LOVED that song and even dressed up as Cyndi Lauper for Halloween one year.

However Lil Red Corvette is a fun song and brings back a special memory that always makes me smile ; )

Your 80s Theme Song Is:
Little Red Corvette by Prince

I SOOOO love the 80's music. I know a lot of it is BAD but I love it anyway. My cousin calls me the 80's diva. He has a band and anytime I go see them he always has to play an 80's song and give me a shout out. Which normally would embarrass the heck out of me but he has me so wrapped around his finger I let it slide lol

In fact just a couple of weeks ago I added a bunch of 80's and early 90's music to my shuffle's play list. It's awesome to exercise to!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Day Seven

Well! Official last day! I survived and am very proud of myself I have to say. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.

Today I slept in (oh how wonderful it was) and other than going over to my parents I went nowhere. It was soooo nice.

Today I really was wanting something other than water. I don't miss soda or anything but I do miss the sugar free drink mix that I drink often. I was determined though to keep to water for today.

The next phase starts where you add back foods slowly to see if they are ok or if they make you feel bad. The foods added back during the next phase are not really foods that I eat. Olives and avocados (oh I do like avocados...just in guacamole!). So I was trying to decide which foods I would add back. I did feel a little achy tonight and I realized while I'm better I think I probably still have a long way to go. I'm not sure if something on the program doesn't agree with me or if the inflammation all the junk was causing in my body just isn't gone yet.

I'm still deciding where I will go tomorrow with this...

Results: I lost almost 4 inches in my waist, 2 in my hips and while the book says you can lose up to ten pounds, I did lose more than that.

More thoughts later!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day 6 AKA Deep Fried Temptation dipped in Ranch Dressing

Day Six

And I feel great! I can tell my jeans are not as snug today and overall I just feel lighter and just not so BLAH/HUGE/YUCKY pick one!

My next batch of veggie broth did not turn out as well and I'm struggling to force it down. I'm counting the days until I can stop the morning oil routine! Honestly it's the worst part of the program for me. My skin feels so soft and my nails feel stronger. In six days! Isn't that wild? However, by around 5 o'clock I started feeling a bit bloaty and puffy. No idea why as I had not eaten anything different than any other day. My jeans seemed tight and I was uncomfortable. Interestingly enough though I weighed when I got home and I had lost weight so I don't know what that was all about.

I Admit today I had...thoughts. I know you people think I'm nuts but I've really treated this like an experiment and have kept close tabs on how I was thinking and feeling the entire time. I have not had any cravings for any particular type of food. Today was a little harder though, because Friday nights are when my sister and I normally go out. We go to dinner and have a couple of drinks. It signals the end of the week. We look forward to it all week. At first I had made up my mind this week we just would not go eat. However we were out driving around looking at buildings (for our new business) and it was getting late. I wasn't very hungry and I decided we could go eat and I could order a plain grilled chicken breast and some veggies. So we did. As I said...I haven't craved any foods...but I crave the TASTE. Not everything I'm eating is flavorless and you can certainly add herbs and spices to add flavor but lets face it...healthy often doesn't taste as good. So I guess what I'm saying is I miss FLAVOR. You know us has to be fried, BBQ'd, or covered in some type of sauce that contains mayo or other zillion calorie things. Oh and probably dipped in Ranch Dressing! Dude I love me some Ranch Dressing. I've yes we went to a restaurant and I ordered lemon pepper grilled chicken with two sides of steamed broccoli. No salad since there wasn't a suitable dressing and I could only eat the lettuce anyway. My sister did have a salad though...and Lordy it looked good. It didn't help that this restaurant serves their dinner salads with a HUGE FLAKY croissant with honey drizzled over it. AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE HONEY lol. Anyway...while the ranch dressing and croissant looked good I didn't REALLY want it. I just kept telling myself I'd rather feel better and if I want to really see how I feel I need to go the whole 7 days.

RESULTS/THOUGHTS: This has really shown me that so much of my eating is "habit" and "event" driven. I felt cheated at first that we couldn't go out and have our usual Friday Night. We can...I just have to modify what I eat and drink. Since you need to eat every 3 hours on the program and my caloric intake has been much less this week when it's time to eat I feel the need to eat. Not because I'm "hungry" or just want to eat...because my body is telling me "Hey! I need some fuel!" Which is very cool not to be driven by outrageous cravings!

also I've discovered a slight allergy to black they are off the list!

anyone still awake?????

Friday, May 18, 2007

Day Five


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Well, after feeling bad last night I felt surprisingly good this morning. The day went pretty well and uneventful. Eating my chicken and rice for lunch really works a lot better for me. In the evenings I eat some veggies and have one of the rice protein shakes. I’ve felt very thirsty all day so getting my water in was not a problem. I went to the Farmers Market this morning and ooooh yummy! I bought some peaches and black berries and green beans, black eyed peas, yellow squash, and onion (for my parents). This weekend I’m going to cook them all up for a family dinner. I love fresh black eyed peas and tomatoes from the garden! I can’t have tomatoes for this 7 days though.

About 15 minutes after I had my dinner I started getting itchy and sinus pressure. Something I put in my shake I’m allergic to. I had two new things tonight so I’m still trying to figure it out which one did it so I can eliminate it.

Results: Went to an open house and was not even tempted by the food and drinks. Since I don’t eat fish eating chicken every day would get very old if I did this long term. However so far there hasn’t been anything I’m seriously craving. Again, I certainly feel better than before I started the program!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

More Scarf Pictures and Thoughts

Well I just barely had any sun left by the time I got home last night but I took a few pictures anyway.
Here is the Baby Grande Alpaca scarf. I love this yarn but it does tend to "shed" a little bit so I have a feeling it won't wear to well with black. I like it...but like I said yesterday I don't love it.

And an extreme closeup of the My So Called Scarf

On my screen at least, it shows the colors pretty well. I forgot again (imagine that) to grab the tag at home so I could tell you the colorway.

A few notes from last night on how I felt...that would still be considered day four. Did not feel too well last night. A little achy as in flu type achy. I was sitting on the floor trying to get all of the stickers out of my dogs long hair and my muscles just hurt and cramped a little. I'm not sure if it's that I'm still low on potassium or if this is just part of all that bad stuff leaving my system? During my bath I skimmed through the book again and was reminded the author does say that you could have withdrawal like symptoms, flu like symptoms and other things. So I'm continuing on, will try and get some extra rest and take more potassium and drink extra water. I'll report on day 5 later.